Thursday, July 11, 2013

Research idea?

I've been really interested in nursing research. In fact, I never even wanted to be a nurse until my mom told me about it. Who knew that research nurses were a thing?

So with this opportunity in Belize approaching, I want to do some small research paper or data gathering or something. I'm sort of shy to even bring it up. I don't think I'm going to do any ground breaking research project, but coming up with an idea and following it through could be great practice and experience.

Of course, I have to come up with an idea. So far the only thing that has stuck is I have been wondering about the efficacy of the different methods of mosquito protection we are all using.

I'm using picaridin, someone else is using DEET 40%, and another person is using pyridone whatever. Maybe each day I will ask everyone what they are using, and then at the end of the day I can ask them about if it worked or not. Do I measure the amount of new bites each day?

I also want to survey everyone about why they chose what they did, how concerned they are about chemicals, how they perceive the effects of chemicals to be (would they use this same method on their kids? Are they concerned about getting sick?) So I want to see how people's concerns regarding the use of chemicals match up to what methods they pick.

Kind of a two-pronged research idea I suppose.

I keep feeling it's a silly idea though. And it isn't even directly nursing related.

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